Site Map
Rebecca's Life
Article reprint ...
School days
Rebecca's Gift
Schoolmate feedback

Class photos

School awards

School reports

Rettchicks at school
Visit to D.E.A.L.
Getting the word out


Photo album

P.A.T.H. Planning
Rettchicks achieve!
Magic moments
Clever kids

The arts
Groups, links, etc.
Kathy Hunter's essay

Sibling contacts

Maslow & Tulley

Quotable quotes

Lemon drink recipe

Rebecca's Trust



Rebecca's Life in a Nutshell

Community Moves article reprint

Reprint of an article about Rebecca, an overview of her life.

Eulogy, readings & homily

More insight into Rebecca's life and times.

School Days

Rebecca's Gift

I wrote Rebecca's Gift when Rebecca started at our local school.  It is an introduction to Rebecca and Rett Syndrome to her 5-year-old classmates.

Rebecca's Gift - Part 1
Rebecca's Gift - Part 2
Schoolmate's feedback

Messages and memories from her schoolmates and their parents.

Class Photos
School Awards
School Reports
Other RettChicks at School


Our Visit to D.E.A.L.

D.E.A.L. help us to recognise Rebecca's communication strategies.

Getting the Word Out

A collection of communication strategies from a range of RettChicks.

Excerpt from "Speechless"

Rosemary Crossley's latest book.   This chapter talks about her work with two women with Rett Syndrome.

Photo Album

A selection of family snaps showing Rebecca out and about.

P.A.T.H. Planning Process

The last plan we did for Rebecca, overview of the process and Rebecca's detail.

RettChick's Achievements

Magic Moments

Flower girl Kayleigh

Clever Kids

Sometimes they make you so proud!

The Arts

Kim's poen and Danielle's painting.

Rebecca's Trust

A charitable Trust in Rebecca's memory helps provide support to families with a child with a disability.


Things I thought would be useful.

Organisations, web sites, books & tapes
Essay by Kathy Hunter

'They bring out the best in us'   Kathy Hunter discusses the paradox of disability.

Sibling Contacts

Contact some brothers and sisters.

Maslow & Tully's theories

What are human needs?

Quotable Quotes

A selection of my favourites - some of them have kept me going which I wanted to spend the day in bed with the quilt pulled over my head.

Favourite drink

Rebecca would always drink this lemon cordial - she LOVED it!

Your thoughts ...

Tell me what you think.