Background Information
The aim of The Rebecca Hulst Trust is to support families where a child with
disabilities is fully included and valued.
"As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in
which we live."
Pope John Paul II
The Trust focuses on families' practical needs, recent projects include financial
assistance for:
children's speech therapy |
inclusive education network seminars to over 200 people |
parents attending relevant conferences |
the communications costs of a parents' support group |
Often the financial assistance means more to families than the items or services it can
purchase, it is a reminder that there are others who understand and care.
Formed in 1993, the Trust has granted over $40,000 throughout New Zealand.
The Rebecca Hulst Trust has charitable status with the Department of Inland Revenue and
is governed by a Board of Trustees: Jane Hulst, Debra Lockie and Diane Wilson JP.
Who Was Rebecca Hulst?
Born in Auckland on 14 October 1986, Rebecca Anne Hulst was the first child of Jane and
Gerard Hulst.
When Rebecca was two years old she was diagnosed with Rett Syndrome. Rett Syndrome is a
severely debilitating degenerative condition affecting a person's motor skills. Rebecca
was unable to speak or move voluntarily.
"The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis, but rather the
feeling of being unwanted."
Mother Theresa
Despite her physical disabilities, Rebecca participated in every aspect of family,
community, school and church life. By doing so she brought joy to the many people she
touched. Rebecca was a valued member of her community.
Rebecca died on 28 August 1993, shortly before her seventh birthday. Jane and Gerard
established the Rebecca Hulst Trust in her memory to help other families of children with
special needs achieve inclusion in their communities.
"Everyone must die sometime. The question is whether the death means
something or not."
Madame Li
What Funds The Trust?
The Trust does not seek donations, it prefers to earn its income.
Primarily it is funded by proceeds from the sale of two recipe books, Simply Salads,
and Befores & Afters.
Both books are best sellers. With minimal publicity, using direct mail, Simply Salads
has sold over 10,000 copies and Befores & Afters has sold over 4500 copies.
Over 75% of sales are by word-of-mouth and most buyers make repeat purchases - which tells
us that they really like the books.
The books are successful because they are collections of "tried and true"
favourite recipes - interesting, easy food made with ingredients most people have in their
homes. In addition they are professionally written and edited by Tui Flower, clearly laid
out, and have easy to use indexes. No wonder people buy more than one copy.
The second book, Befores & Afters, was entered in the TVNZ Marketing
Magazine Awards 1994, where it won its class "Small Business - Established" and
was runner up to Phillips for the Supreme Award against such corporate giants as Lion
Breweries, Countrywide Bank and Group Rentals.
Personal Experiences
"Your donation of $500 was the most wonderful spark for our group of
parents. It was the first donation received and it made them feel that anything was
Christine Musgrave, TOTS Special Needs Language Trust
"The Special Education Service conference was a great success: both for
the parents who attended and as an opportunity for professionals to hear from parents ...
I certainly felt it was an excellent way to ensure [that] your vision for advocacy in
education was put into practice."
Sue Brown, IHC Advocacy Centre, Wellington
"Without help from you and others as generous as yourself, we would not
be able to progress with the Johansson method that has been proven such a benefit to our
Michelle Ramsay, TOTS Special Needs Language Trust
"On behalf of the families I work with, we just want you to know how much
we value the work able to be done because of the Rebecca Hulst Trust."
Jane Gibson, IHC Family & Child Support Service, Tauranga