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St Michael's School, Remuera
6 Beatrice Road   Remuera   Auckland 5
St Michael's Coat of Arms
Name: Rebecca Hulst
Class: New Entrant
Year: 1992
Christian Living Programme
Oral Language
Will respond to voices with great pleasure. Has responded well in drama class, and vocalises her pleasure quite often.
Written Language
Rebecca is learning to make marks on paper with felt pens.
Enjoys reading time and takes good visual notice of pictures in books. At times works well on computer and looks carefully at the different pictures.
Rebecca uses her own equipment and toys to learn colours, building, comparing, as well as BSM.
Social and Cultural Activities
Enjoys singing and music making. Enjoys art and finger painting.
General Comments
Is learning to feed herself with finger food.


St Michael's School, Remuera
6 Beatrice Road   Remuera   Auckland 5
St Michael's Coat of Arms
Name: Rebecca Hulst
Class: J1/J2
Year: 1992
Christian Living Programme
Participates in all activities.
Oral Language
Responses are clearly shown by the expressiveness of her face. Has responded verbally to sound.
Written Language
Rebecca enjoys being read to. She has at times been able to respond to questions using her yes/no switch.
Rebecca participates using equipment. She enjoys manipulating discrete material.
Social and Cultural Activities
Rebecca responds to music, particularly music with a strong beat. Able to clap in time with certain music.
Rebecca will need increased time in the standing frame to enable her to participate more in ball skills. As the weather warms up she will spend more time in the water.
General Comments
A well behaved pupil who fits in very easily with the class.


St Michael's School, Remuera
6 Beatrice Road   Remuera   Auckland 5
St Michael's Coat of Arms
Name: Rebecca Hulst
Class: J2
Year: 1993
Christian Living Programme
Rebecca has always tried hard to be a role model for others.
Oral Language
Rebecca listens attentively.
Written Language
Rebecca reads at her chronological age. Rebecca always enjoys children reading to her.
Rebecca is working at BSM level 3. She is able to respond to some questions using face pointing.
Social and Cultural Activities
Rebecca is able to move a round ball by rolling it.
She always responds to music. Able to clap her hand to demonstrate beat.
General Comments
Rebecca is always well behaved in class. The children enjoy her quiet nature and you often see children having a quiet talk with Rebecca.
Rebecca enjoys school and pays special attention to story reading and music.